Tech Assurance


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Small to Medium Businesses

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail"

- Benjamin Franklin

The current economy is requiring more of small businesses than ever before, and, as business owners, we want to build our futures with stability and predictability. Our Tech Assurance team helps ensure the stability of your company's technology infrastructure in the following ways:

  1. Serving your customer is rarely limited from 9 to 5. We understand your commitment to your business and accommodate you and your employees by providing 24/7 live help desk support based in the United States.
  2. We perform monthly checkups to keep your network is running in optimal condition. Our recurrent on-site visits ensure that each computer is thoroughly maintained. Our team believes your computer should work like a well-oiled machine.
  3. Your IT tools will be sharpened to insure that the network is a tool for your business instead of a hurdle to overcome.
  4. Your data is your source of revenue, and the Tech Assurance team keeps it safe with a seamless backup and recovery solution built around business continuance. Our on-site equipment will act as a redundant server if your server fails to perform.
  5. We understand your clients depend on you and you depend on technology. That is why we work to keep your network optimized, allowing for maximum performance and reliability, while provided a set monthly price for service.
  6. Parts and labor required to address any system hardware repair are included with the Complete IT Solution, (link to service page which describes complete IT solution) preventing unforeseen expenses. We know that business owners don't like surprises.
  7. IT may not be your area of expertise, but it is ours. We will help you develop a long term IT plan to facilitate the growth of your business.
  8. Let our business give you the time and tools to run your business.

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